Detail Kelas : Indonesian for Expatriates

error_outline Info Kelas
KembaliIndonesian for Expatriates
Biaya Per Sesi : Rp 400.000
Rp 800.000
Rp 400.000
Jumlah Minimum Sesi : 2
Status : Aktif
Deskripsi :
This particular class is specially made for expatriates who want to learn written and spoken Indonesian language, so that you can have the conversation easily with Indonesian people. Hopefully it can also enhance your business relationship in Indonesia. I'd like to inform you that Indonesian language is fun and enjoyable here. The class is managed by a 18-year-experience tutor of Indonesian. Don't miss the class, get ready to join us right now!
Bagikan :
error_outline Slot Waktu
Hari | Waktu Mulai | Waktu Selesai |
Jumat | 10:00 | 10:45 |
Sabtu | 10:00 | 10:45 |