Detail Kelas : Bahasa Indonesia for Beginner

error_outline Info Kelas
KembaliBahasa Indonesia for Beginner
Biaya Per Sesi : Rp 150.000
Rp 1.200.000
Rp 150.000
Jumlah Minimum Sesi : 8
Status : Aktif
Deskripsi :
Bahasa Indonesia for Beginner is tailored for foreigners who want to learn bahasa Indonesia from the scratch. It doesn't matter if you can speak English or not since I will use the communicative approach for the teaching method in this class.
Bagikan :
error_outline Slot Waktu
Hari | Waktu Mulai | Waktu Selesai |
Senin | 13:00 | 13:45 |
Senin | 13:45 | 14:30 |
Selasa | 13:00 | 13:45 |
Selasa | 13:45 | 14:30 |
Rabu | 13:00 | 13:45 |
Rabu | 13:45 | 14:30 |